Bilateral Meeting for strengthening cooperation with SAI of the Czech Republic

24.10.2023 - 11:00
Мотив од потпишување на протоколот за соработка

Auditor General Maksim Acevski and his colleagues held a bilateral meeting with the President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic and EUROSAI President Mr. Miroslav Kala

Within the bilateral meeting, the Heads of the State Audit Office and the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic signed Memorandum of Cooperation with the aim of establishing institutional cooperation of common interest.

The purpose of the MoC is to create basis for continuous professional and technical cooperation on joint activities for promotion of high-quality management of public finance based on the principles and standards for professionalization of INTOSAI and EUROSAI where both institutions are members, as well as exchange of experiences and good practices for improving knowledge and skills of employees and building institutions' capacities.

At the meeting, the two institutions presented their organizational setup, progress over the years, development perspectives as well as challenges they face.

Auditor General Mr. Acevski presented the results of SAO operation, particularly referring to the key performance indicators, as well as institution's communication and cooperation with stakeholders and competent institutions.

Representatives of the Czech SAI expressed approval of the results and added value of SAO operation, and referred to their progress and the challenges they face as a SAI as well as a EUROSAI Chair.

At the end of the meeting, both SAIs expressed willingness to intensify future joint cooperation of mutual interest on professional capacity development and exchange of experiences and good practices, as well as presenting audit results by way of visualization.

It was concluded to deepen this cooperation both on a bilateral basis and within EUROSAI, where SAO has been a member since 2002 and actively contributes in the activities of its working bodies and initiatives.

Link to the signed MoC: