With the aim of deepening cooperation and strengthening joint efforts on promoting gender-responsive policies and gender audit, in the frames of the workshop organized by the Center for Excellence in Finance (CEF), Auditor General Maksim Acevski held a meeting with CEF Director Ms. Jana Repanšek.
Mr. Acevski and Ms. Rеpanšek emphasized the valuable cooperation between the two institutions, noting that building and developing professional capacities is a continuous process that involves cooperation, support, opportunities and knowledge sharing.
"Persistence, dedication, vision for innovation and the institution's ability to learn and apply that knowledge in its operation is an advantage of both the institution and its employees", said Mr. Acevski.
The workshop focused on strengthening joint action and cooperation of all involved institutions in finding support and avenues for promoting gender audit and including gender aspects in the main policies.
SAO representatives presented institution’s achievements in the implementation of gender audit, methodology acts for gender audit, graphic design/presentation of audit results, use of innovative tools in audit. UN Women representatives held presentations on gender-responsive policy making and budgeting and the importance of audit in the implementation of SDG5, and SEA representatives presented on the inclusion of the gender perspective in EU integration.
In addition, CEF shared its methodology for learning organizations. Representatives from relevant institutions in the Republic of Slovenia also participated with their presentations on topics related to inclusion of the gender perspective in Slovenia, collection and presentation of gender data, inclusion of the gender perspective in international development cooperation, etc.
Within this visit, Auditor General had a bilateral meeting with the President of the Court of Audit of Slovenia, Ms. Jana Ahčin.
The State Audit Office and the Court of Audit of Slovenia signed Memorandum of Cooperation aimed at strengthening professional capacities and promoting accountable and effective external audit.
Mr. Acevski and Ms. Ahčin expressed satisfaction with the preparedness of both institutions to strengthen mutual cooperation following the principles of equality and partnership between supreme audit institutions, and emphasized the openness of both institutions as serious and credible institutions in the implementation of the joint activities formalized in the memorandum.
The Memorandum focuses on promotion of professional development and audit skills of employees of both institutions through exchange of experience and practice, reflecting the complementarity of their mandates, activities and programs.
Both parties agreed to maintain open and effective communication on all issues related to future joint activities.
On the margins of this official visit, Auditor General met with the Ambassador of our country in the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Goran Milevski.
The workshop was organized within the Project " Gender mainstreaming advisory services to North Macedonia’s administration at central level (Gender Equality Facility (GEF)), financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), and implemented by UN Women Skopje.