Bilateral meeting in Sarajevo

24.03.2023 - 09:30
Потпишување на Меморандумот за соработка

At the invitation of the supreme audit institution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, SAO delegation headed by Auditor General Maksim Acevski, paid a bilateral visit in Sarajevo.

Auditors General Maksim Acevski and Hrvoje Tvrtković signed Memorandum of Cooperation which formalizes future cooperation for professional development of both institutions.

During the bilateral visit, several meetings were held where representatives of both SAIs exchanged experiences and positive practices on SAI operation and state auditing, as well as on cooperation and communication with stakeholders.

The Memorandum of Cooperation envisages intensifying cooperation between the two SAIs in relation to organizing and implementing joint educational activities and achievement of objectives specified in the signed Memorandum of Cooperation.