Strengthening partnership between audit institutions

01.12.2022 - 11:30
Средба со Потпретседателот на Собранието на Република Северна Македонија г. Горан Мисовски и со Генералниот секретар г-ѓа Цветанка Иванова

The State Audit Office hosted delegations of the supreme audit institutions of Norway and Albania. Through several activities, opinions and ideas were exchanged regarding mapping risks in various areas of cooperation, with the aim of strengthening partnership and SAIs capacities.

Representatives of all three SAIs headed by the Auditor General Maksim Acevski, the President of SAI Albania Dr. Arben Shehu and the Head of the international department of SAI Norway, Mr. Øyvind Berg Larsen met with the Vice President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia Mr. Goran Misovski and the Secretary General of the Assembly Ms. Cvetanka Ivanova.

Systemic and organizational setup of audit institutions, cooperation with parliament, as well as practice of reviewing audit reports by parliamentary committees and at plenary sessions were the topics discussed at the meeting.

Auditors General Mr. Acevski and Mr. Shehu signed Memorandum of Understanding between both SAIs, which envisages future joint activities for growing the cooperation between SAO and ALSAI.