2022 SAO Annual Work Program submitted to the Assembly

28.12.2021 - 13:30
Доставена Годишната програма за работа на ДЗР до Собранието

In line with Article 23 paragraph 2 of the State Audit Law ("Official Gazette of RM no. 66/10, 145/10, 12/14, 43/14, 154/15, 192/15, 27/16, 83/18 and "Official Gazette of RNM" no. 122/21), the State Audit Office submitted 2022 Annual Work Program to the Assembly of RNM.

In 2022, SAO plans to perform 183 audits of which 166 regularity audits, 12 performance audits and 5 compliance audits. Out of the total planned audits, 45 audits relate to entities and topics in accordance with the State Audit Law and the other 138 audits to the entities that participated in 2021 Local Elections.

We must point out that feeling the need to increase the transparency, accountability and responsibility in the preparation of 2022 AWP, SAO sent a notification for submission of audit requests / proposals to 380 stakeholders and published "Request for Audit" form on its website.

Until the day of preparation of 2022 AWP, 38 audit requests were received, mostly requests from citizens (47%) and requests from LSGUs (21%). The State Audit Office accepted 15 audit requests, i.e. 39%.

In line with its strategic commitments in 2022, the State Audit Office will continue organizing trainings for professional development of auditors and management and will set up an objective system for assessing the quality of performance. For that purpose SAO adopted 2022 Annual Plan for continuous professional development.

As a supreme audit institution, SAO also adopted 2022 Annual Plan for Prevention of Corruption. This Annual Plan defines specific measures and activities for prevention of corruption at the level of the institution, as well as during state audit of financial statements of entities that have or may have an impact on the performance of SAO competencies.