Study visit to SAI Estonia

21.10.2021 - 15:38
Заедничка фотографија од студиската посета

Within the activities of Component 4 of EU-IPA twinning project "Improving External Audit and Parliamentary Oversight", SAO delegation headed by Deputy Auditor General Orhan Ademi paid a study visit to the National Audit Office of the Republic of Estonia from 11-16 October 2021.

The President of SAI Estonia Mr. Janar Holm, welcomed SAO representatives and wished them successful work in exchanging experience with the colleagues from Estonia.

During the study visit, SAO representatives have gained comparative knowledge and experience of an EU member state on the methodology and procedures of internal and external communication, document flow policies, internal documents for implementation of tasks and their monitoring, the information security system, methodology for conducting pilot IT audits, communication with the public and preparation of SAI annual reports.

SAO representatives also visited e-Estonia Showroom, where they were introduced in detail with the role of RIA (Government Information System Authority), Estonia X-Road and its operation through practical examples, as well as the most important central components of e-government and Estonian state standards for information security.