Activities for prevention and fight against corruption

23.07.2021 - 13:00
Работна средба во просториите на ДЗР со г-ѓа Лена Андерсен

On 22 July 2021, Auditor General Maksim Acevski held a meeting with Ms. Lena Andersson, Leader of Component 3 of the twinning project "EU support for rule of law ", which focuses on improving prevention and fight against corruption.

Ms. Andersson presented her previous experience in the fight against corruption, as well as planned activities within the twinning project, including the activity of sponsoring master studies at the renowned International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) in Laxenburg, Austria, where State Audit Office employees may also apply.

Auditor General presented some of the activities in this area taken so far and the experience from performed audits, as well as the cooperation with the competent institutions, in particular for obtaining feedback on acting upon SAO audit reports.

Future activities were agreed at the meeting, including training of SAO employees on topics concerning fight against corruption. Ms. Andersson also donated books and literature from her personal library on auditing and anti-corruption risk to the State Audit Office.