The State Audit Office is headed by Auditor General. Auditor General has a Deputy. Auditor General and Deputy Auditor General are appointed and dismissed by the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia and both are independent in the performance of their tasks. Auditor General assigns Secretary General from the Managing Officers to perform tasks and duties in accordance with the Law on Public Sector Employees and the Law on Administrative Servants.

State audit is conducted by 110 employees - authorized state auditors, state auditors and administrative support.

Employees are organized in 13 departments and two independent units. Nine departments are directly involved in conducting state audit (audit departments) and cover different public sector areas, one department for audit development and following international practice, one department for AG support, two departments for administrative support (legal and general affairs and public procurement department and financial affairs department) and two units – human resources and internal audit.

State audit is carried out by 100 auditors, out of which 61 have acquired the title of authorized state auditor. 99% of employees have university degree in economy, law, information technology and other fields, and the percentage of employees with master’s degree continuously increases.