- Press Release -
Skopje, 11 January 2023
Judiciary reform implemented with 20% of planned budget funds
Out of 366 million denars planned State Budget funds for financing of 15 measures, about 74 million denars i.e. 20% have been realized as of 31 December 2021
The State Audit Office conducted performance audit on the topic "Effectiveness of the implementation of the Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector 2017 - 2022 and the Action Plan of the Strategy", in line with SAO Annual Work Program for 2022.
The audit objective was to answer whether measures and activities defined in the Action Plan contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector 2017 - 2022.
This Strategy is the basis for continuing reforms in the judicial sector of the Republic of North Macedonia to comply with the recommendations given in European Commission Reports on the progress of the country, Chapter 23 - Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, for the EU integration process.
The audit team concluded that out of 130 measures within the Strategy and the Action Plan, only 52% were fully implemented, 34% partially implemented and 14% not implemented.
The situation is a result of inadequate definition of measures, absence of clear and measurable indicators, unrealistic deadlines, estimated sources of funding, and insufficient coordination of institutions/competent bodies responsible for the measures and activities.
Fiscal implications on the State Budget for the period 2018-2021, as well as planned funding by IPA and other foreign assistance were foreseen when drafting and adopting the Strategy and the Action Plan for the period 2017-2022.
With the audit and analysis of data from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance-CFCD and the Judicial Budget Council, 366 million denars from the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia were allocated for financing 15 measures. As of 31 December 2021, around 74 million denars, i.e. 20% were realized.
The low degree of realization of planned funds is due to non-realization of planned funds for measure 2.2.8-2 Construction of new premises (which represent 40%), as well as non-utilization of funds provided for measure 1 - Public Prosecutor's Office spatial arrangement and separation of PPO from the courts, where 15% more than necessary funding was planned.
In terms of monitoring and reporting on the implementation of activities for achieving Strategy’s objectives, the auditors ascertained shortcomings in the functioning of the competent body Council for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy, as well as in its operation without defined Methodology for monitoring and evaluating results of implemented measures and activities.
The auditors obtained reasonable assurance that the measures and activities defined in the Action Plan partially contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector 2017 - 2022.
Press contact:
Albiona Mustafa Muhadziri +389 72 228 203
Mijalche Durgutov +389 70 358 486
Martin Duvnjak +389 75 268 517