Results, activities and lessons learned from the Twinning project

18.10.2022 - 10:30
Kонференцијата за презентирање на подобрувањата на законодавните, стратешките и методолошките акти на ДЗР, како и научените лекции од пилот ревизиите и алатките за комуникација

Accomplished results and activities within the Twinning project "Improvement of external audit and Parliamentary Oversight" implemented by the State Audit Office and the SAIs of Croatia and Bulgaria were the main focus of the Conference where improvements to SAO legislative, strategic and methodology acts, as well as lessons learned from the pilot audits and communication tools were presented.

In his opening address, Deputy Auditor General Orhan Ademi emphasized that SAO in cooperation with the twinning partners from Croatia and Bulgaria has successfully exchanged knowledge and experience in relation to the application of international standards and EU best practice.

The first session of the Conference began with presentations by component leaders on the results achieved, referring to the adopted strategic and methodology acts developed in cooperation with the colleagues from Croatia and Bulgaria SAIs.

During the second part of the Conference, heads of audit departments together with the twinning experts from Croatia and Bulgaria shared lessons learned from the conducted pilot audits on

  • Efficiency of the process for obtaining and implementing funds under the “Investment Framework for the Western Balkans” instrument;
  • Crisis management and fire protection system;
  • Regularity audit - City of Skopje; and
  • Economic growth plan of RNM Government, Pillar 3 - Financial support (co-financed grants) for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises for innovation and technological development.

The Conference was also attended by representatives of EU Delegation, audited entities, civil organizations and media, as well as other SAO stakeholders.