As the coordinator of the cooperative performance audit on "Municipalities’ own revenues for providing quality services to citizens during pandemic", SAO successfully organized the second online working meeting of EUROSAI TFMA members.
The aim of the meeting attended by representatives of SAO and SAIs of Albania, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Slovakia, was to present the results of the audit planning phase, as well as to discuss the course of the audit, joint audit framework as well as the subsequent steps.
Professor Borce Trenovski, an expert in the field of economics and economic policy, also spoke at this meeting, giving an overview of the shortcomings and challenges faced by local self-government units in dealing with the consequences caused by Covid-19 pandemic.
The audit teams shared t the results of the preliminary research, noting that the audit is expected to provide an answer to the following questions:
- Does institutional and functional set-up of the Crisis Management System allow municipalities to take swift and appropriate action during pandemic?
- Have municipalities taken appropriate action to ensure financial stability and sustainability during pandemic?
- Did measures taken by the municipalities during the pandemic ensure timely and quality delivery of services to the citizens?
- Do measures taken by local authorities for post-crisis recovery bring about improvement of the socio-economic development?
The conclusions of this working meeting addressed the implementation of next audit phases, i.e. audit execution and reporting, finalizing the joint audit framework and indicators, as well as the time frame for preparing the joint audit report.