Practice and knowledge sharing between twinning partners

08.04.2022 - 10:00
Споделување на практики и знаења на твининг партнерите

SAO delegation headed by Deputy Auditor General Orhan Ademi carried out a study visit to the State Audit Office of the Republic of Croatia.

Deputy Auditor General of Croatia SAI Nediljka Rogosic welcomed SAO delegation and emphasized the benefits of project activities by strengthening cooperation and sharing knowledge.

During the working sessions auditors had the opportunity to discuss and share practice and knowledge on several topics:

  • strategic documents,
  • transparent and objective reporting on the results of state audit,
  • role of SAIs in the system for prevention and fight against corruption, and
  • availability of data, data analysis and visualization of final audit reports.

The host SAI also organized a visit to the regional office in Krapina, where the topic of audit quality control and audit quality assurance was discussed.