Support for professional development of SAO employees

30.03.2022 - 14:00
Работилница организирана од ЦИПФА

Aiming to fulfill the objective of building and strengthening public finance management, Auditor General Maksim Acevski met with representatives of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) - Steve Watkins, Senior International Lead, Tommaso Scali, Senior International Lead, Hege Larsen, Technical Manager and the representative of the Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF) - Jasmina Popovic, Program Officer.

The purpose of this meeting was to define activities for strengthening capacities and professional skills of SAO employees in several areas, particularly in the area of ​​prevention and fight against corruption, by taking concrete steps to develop continuous and successful future cooperation. Proposals and ideas were exchanged on developing skills and knowledge of state auditor that are necessary for creating effective framework for corruption risk management.

At the end of the meeting, both delegations concluded that this cooperation will be further strengthened through exchange of experience and knowledge between the institutions, including the training and certification of state auditors on prevention of corruption risk.

This meeting followed the workshop held by Ms. Larsen on Common challenges in implementing INTOSAI standards for performance audit". Participants discussed and exchanged experience and knowledge on performance audit process, application of INTOSAI standards and possible solutions to the challenges faced by auditors during performance audit.