At the invitation of the Chairperson of the National Assembly of Bulgaria Nikola Minchev, Auditor General Maksim Acevski and Advisor to the Auditor General Liljana Stojanova held a working meeting in the legislative body of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The President of the National Audit Office Tzvetan Tzvetkov and the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Control of Public Funds in the National Assembly Georgi Ganev also attended the meeting.
The main topic of the working meeting was the cooperation between parliaments and supreme audit institutions, and exchange of experience on reviewing and discussing final audit reports by the parliamentary committees for more effective implementation and acting upon audit recommendations.
Mr. Acevski and Mr. Tzvetkov presented the activities of the second Twinning project "Improvement of External Audit and Parliamentary Oversight", which is successfully implemented by both supreme audit institutions.
Link to the announcement on the website of the National Assembly of Bulgaria: