As part of the activities of the study visit to Bulgaria NAO, SAO delegation headed by Auditor General Maksim Acevski met with the President of Bulgaria National Audit Office Tzvetan Tzvetkov.
Mr. Acevski and Mr. Tzvetkov discussed on several topics of mutual interest:
- review and analysis of the Twinning project activities implemented by both SAIs;
- areas that are subject of discussion during the current study visit;
- provisions of the draft State Audit Law prepared within the twinning project by the partner SAIs; and
- other topics for joint activities and opportunities for strengthening mutual cooperation.
After the meeting, Auditor General Maksim Acevski expressed anticipation for support of the twinning partners for the proposed draft State Audit Law given the successful and continuous cooperation within the project activities.
NAO President Tzvetan Tzvetkov expressed his full support on the proposed draft Law, emphasizing his belief that the adoption of the proposed legal text will provide for financial and operational independence of the State Audit Office for more efficient implementation of its institutional role as custodian of public funds and corrective of public finance management.