Meeting of Heads of Network SAIs

18.03.2022 - 12:30
Состанок на шефовите на врховните ревизорски институции

On 17 March 2022, Auditor General Maksim Acevski and Deputy Auditor General Orhan Ademi participated online at the meeting of the Heads of the of the Network of Supreme Audit Institutions of EU Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries which took place in Paris, France as organized by SIGMA.

At the meeting, the Heads of Network SAIs had the opportunity to present and discuss and exchange viewpoints and experience concerning Covid 19 pandemic, activities and challenges faced by the institutions, as well as planning of future strategic priorities for achieving the specific objectives.

In his address, Auditor General presented SAO activities and improved communication practices, which contribute to the noticeable results and significantly increased transparency, accountability and visibility of the State Audit Office.

In addition, Auditor General expressed his anticipation for intensified cooperation between the supreme audit institutions of the Network to enable greater exchange of experience and knowledge, performance of parallel audits, proper valuation of achieved results of each SAI, and change of the performance evaluation methodology.