Cooperation agreement with SAI of the Republic of Serbia

25.02.2022 - 16:00
Главните државни ревизори го потпишуваат Договорот за соработка.

Owing to the long-term successful bilateral cooperation, the Supreme Audit Institution of the Republic of North Macedonia represented by Auditor General Maksim Acevski and the Supreme Audit Institution of the Republic of Serbia represented by Auditor General Dusko Pejovic signed Cooperation Agreement.

Delegations f both SAIs also discussed and defined future activities and areas of common interest, as well as opportunities for improving audit processes in line with international standards and best practice of EU SAIs.

Auditor General Maksim Acevski pointed out that he is particularly pleased with the opportunity to cooperate with Serbia SAI in conducting parallel audit on "Balanced regional development with special emphasis on demographics" as important topic in the region and beyond.

Auditor General of the Republic of Serbia, Dusko Pejoviс expressed gratitude for the hospitality and emphasized that he expects joint parallel audit activities to contribute to more transparent and accountable use of public funds by local self-government units, as well as recommendations for balanced regional development.