Joint efforts for prevention and fight against corruption

11.02.2022 - 15:30
Главниот државен ревизор м-р Максим Ацевски и Заменик главниот државен ревизор м-р Орхан Адеми, остварија работна средба со Заменик Претседателот на Владата задолжен за политики за добро владеење, Славица Грковска

On 10 February 2022, Auditor General Maksim Acevski and the Deputy Auditor General Orhan Ademi held a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Good Governance Policies Slavica Grkovska.

At the meeting were discussed several current topics in the system for prevention and fight against corruption, key systemic weaknesses identified in final audit reports as well as future challenges in the joint cooperation and action.

Deputy Prime Minister Grkovska pointed out that cooperation with the State Audit Office is extremely important in creating good governance policies and that SAO professionalism and information are vital for timely action on audit findings by the competent institutions.

Auditor General, inter alia, informed about the new draft State Audit Law, which includes solutions to all previously detected systemic weaknesses aimed at enabling operational and financial independence of the State Audit Office.