Meeting with Deputy Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

04.02.2022 - 16:00
Работна средба со заменик амбасадорот на Кралството Холандија

Auditor General held a working meeting with the Deputy Ambassador of Netherlands HE Robert Decker.

Auditor General Maksim Acevski presented the activities of the State Audit Office as a supreme audit institution, in particular the efforts and results for increasing SAO transparency and accountability.

Several current topics and issues were discussed, including the institutional system for preventing and fighting corruption, as well as some key systemic weaknesses that are recurrent in SAO final audit reports.

Deputy Ambassador Dekker praised the work done by the State Audit Office, noting that the professional and quality work of SAO as the guardian of public funds is recognized by the professional and expert public.

At the end of the meeting, Auditor General and Deputy Ambassador initiated strengthening of cooperation and communication between the State Audit Office, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Netherlands Court of Audit by organizing joint trainings and exchange of experience among auditors of both supreme audit institutions.